P2P: Sketch prototype

P2P is a personal finance tracking application that keeps logs of how much time and money is spent while the user is on the toilet.

Overall view of the prototype. This could also be seen as the flow of the application from left to right.

Here is the login and registration page. Ideally the application will have a web frontend as well so that users are able to check their finances in browsers. Income is a necessary input because the entire application revolves on how much the user makes at their job. 

flow for @ WORK

flow for @ WORK

The main functionality of P2P. The user starts when they are about to begin their bowel movements. They first must tell the app whether or not they are at work. A possible implementation would be to automatically detect whether or not the user is at work based off their GPS. As for now, it is a manual input. Once the user is ready, the user can start the Log.

flow for not @ WORK

flow for not @ WORK

The app will be a timer that also tracks how much money is gained or loss. The user can stay on this page to view their earnings/losses, or they can put the application in the background and do their normal routine. Once the user is finished with their bowel movement, the user ends the Log. The Log will then show the user how much total money was gained/loss and the option to discard or save the Log.

Calendar and Statistics pages

Calendar and Statistics pages

If saved, these Logs are stored in the backend. A Calendar and a Statistics page is provided for the user to analyze their bowel movements.

Left side Menu

Left side Menu